Summer is in full attack as the typical New York heat has unfortunately hit the crowded streets of NYC. The horrid humidity permeates the city (especially the subways), making me sticky and sexy after walking two blocks. I'm surprised no one has fainted yet from heat stroke. There's nothing I like better than rubbing against sweaty people on my daily commute. It really keeps me connected to the city, you know?
Luckily, I have discovered my new drink for the summer: -drum roll-
Small Iced Coffee with a shot of Mocha,
ice on the side(impt to capitalize on volume)
Not that exciting, I know.
But, it's the little things that make life fun, right? =D
Cafe hopping anyone? Or, if anyone has a fav cafe in the East Village that they'd like to share, I'm very open to suggestions. =)
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